Printing and framing, for the exhibition, has started

April 27, 2015  •  2 Comments

The work to print and frame the first images, to the exhibition "Photographers around the world", has started in our gallery. The exhibition will start as soon as possible and continue during the month of May. We are happy to tell that we have 15 photographers who are in, so far - from USA, Turkey, France, Italy, Sweden, UK and Japan.  

A small biography from every photographer will be posted here on the blog, and in accession to the image in the gallery. We still have room for more. Both professionals and amateurs who create expressive images are welcome to apply with one of his/her best pictures. The idea is partly to develop interest here on the spot, for expressive photographic image, and partly to promote the photographers and partly to sell pictures.

If you are interested: please contact us here, as soon as possible  

Viki i  vårt galleri "Light Never Waits" i StrumicaViki i vårt galleri "Light Never Waits" i Strumica My wife Viki, in our art photo gallery, which we started together, in February this year. The gallery is located in the very center of the Macedonian city Strumica.  

In addition to a permanent exhibition of my own photos - the idea is to run various photo projects with established photographers, as well as amateurs and talents. We have just finished the first: an exhibition / competition for young talents - winners were announced in Monday, posting on my blog


Jonas Sundberg
Thank you Colin! We are also proud to makes this exhibition and also to have your work in it. We keep you posted. //Jonas
Colin Roberts(non-registered)
I'm very proud to be a part of your new exhibition
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