Phototip 3 Long exposure for smoke. Location: Bosilovo

March 31, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Bosilovo... a village in southeastern Macedonia with about 1700 inhabitants. It is the seat of the municipality Bosilovo, which has about 14,000 residents and is located near the Bulgarian border. I took some pictures there, last Saturday that I share with you, along with some photography tips.

Phototip 3 of 100. Long exposure for movements in smoke.

Yesterday I posted a picture from Bosilovo along with a tip about using the shadows in a creative way. This one is apparently a variant of the motif, but with this composition is focuset away from the yard and give more attention to the stars and the smoke from the house. I will talk more about the composition of several tips later, but let us concentrate on the effect of chimney smoke. The principle is the same as I wrote about in the post from Kolesino waterfall the other day. For this picture, I put the camera on a tripod, using a 30 second shutter speed, aperture 9, wide angle lens, and used the self-timer. Apparently gives 30 seconds a quite good motion effect for the smoke, and at the same time appeared the stars more of the picture. 





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