Love is not in the air

March 21, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

 Each garbage can has at least one cat that feed on it. But two can be a problem. One day I caught this deal on the yards waste bin, between Radovan Gulev and General Morris, two  of the neighborhood's residents inhabitants. 

  1. Breast piece up and scream the most fearsome chants at each other, for what seemed like an eternity. I had no choice but to wait out the angry ritual and that the conflict will escalate.

2. So finally: the inevitable confrontation is drawing closer, Radovan's already in a very precarious seat. He could hardly stay on the fence for much longer, but he knows it can be fatal to leave it, as the first man. 

3. Gulev no longer has a choice - he has to get on the ground. Just as he constantly feared, he gets his adrenaline tinne enemy over him, like a hail storm in October.

4.The air is filled with horrific screams, when the " General" allows its sharp teeth and claws to cut through the enemys skin and tissues, he is both stronger, faster and smarter. No gongong can save Gulev. 5. Wrestling lever, boxes blow,Thai boxing, you name it.

6. ...even throttling.

7. The frightened and wounded Gulev receives the bite that finally seal the outcome.


8.  Gulevs reptile brain has taken control: run, run, survive!! The garbage can battle ends here, and so does the story.




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